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王茜,女,主治医师,博士,毕业于重庆医科大学,上海交通大学附属第九人民医院联合培养博... [展开]
王茜,女,主治医师,博士,毕业于重庆医科大学,上海交通大学附属第九人民医院联合培养博士。从事口腔临床工作多年,研究方向主攻颌面部的修复重建及骨再生组织工程,参与多个省部、国家级重点项目。获重庆市科技进步三等奖及重庆市卫生局二等奖等。发表英文SCI及核心期刊数篇,参译专业书籍一部。擅长口腔颌面部组织修复重建,口腔颌面缺损膺复治疗,牙槽外科,复杂牙及阻生牙的微创拔除,种植前外科,口腔种植修复,自体牙再植,口腔颌面部肿瘤治疗。Attending physician, Ph.D., graduated from Chongqing Medical University, and united-trained Ph.D. in the Ninth People's Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. Engaged in oral-maxillofacial surgery clinical work for many years. The main research directions are reconstruction of the maxillofacial region and bone regeneration engineering. Participated several provincial and national key research projects and won the prizes. Published several papers in international and Chinese core journals, and translated a professional book. Good at oral-maxillofacial tissue reconstruction, maxillofacial prosthetics, alveolar surgery, minimally invasive extraction of complex and impacted teeth, pre-implant surgery, implant teeth, autotransplantation of teeth,[收起]


口腔颌面部组织修复重建,口腔颌面缺损膺复治疗,牙槽外科,复杂牙及阻生牙的微创拔除,种... [展开]
口腔颌面部组织修复重建,口腔颌面缺损膺复治疗,牙槽外科,复杂牙及阻生牙的微创拔除,种植前外科,口腔种植修复,自体牙再植,口腔颌面部肿瘤治疗。 Good at oral-maxillofacial tissue reconstruction, maxillofacial prosthetics, alveolar surgery, minimally invasive extraction of complex and impacted teeth, pre-implant surgery, implant teeth, autotransplantation of teeth, and oral and treatment of maxillofacial[收起]

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