刘轶男,田,北京大学肿瘤医院胸外二科副主任医师,专业型博士研究生学历(MD),曾于国家级药理实验室、北京肿瘤医院临床研究室进行专业科研培训。于英国威尔士Cardiff大学医学院临床外科实验室进行有关食管癌、肺癌的科研工作。长期致力于胸部肿瘤外科的临床工作,有着相对丰富的临床经验,参与多项科研课题研究,第一作者发表SCI文章5篇。参编《胸外科诊疗技术精要》 担任编者 参编5个章节 主编张力建 教授 2016年出版发表文章:Clinical value of hematologic test in predicting tumor response to neoadjuvant chemotherapywith esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. World Journal of Surgical OncologyEPLIN expression in human oesophageal cancer and its impact on cellular aggressiveness and clinical outcome. Anticancer Res.Μolecular impact of bone morphogenetic protein 7, on lung cancer cells and its clinical significance. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINEExpression Profile of Epithelial Protein Lost in Neoplasm-Alpha (EPLIN-α) in Human Pulmonary Cancer and Its Impact on SKMES-1 Cells in Vitro Journal of Cancer TherapyReliable management of post-esophagectomy anastomotic fistula with endoscopic trans-fistula negative pressure drainage. World J Surg Oncol参与课题LincRNA PART1 抑制胃癌细胞EMT